When the world was shutdown, Full Armour Sports Teams was growing. Taking the opportunity to open up the Full Armour Training Center at the beginning of May, and taking no time in expanding into multiple new programs including Martial Arts, Powerlifting and Strength and Conditioning. The Training Center saw over 50 Full Armour athletes coming in and learning new lifts, movements and exercises in their first month.
Some of these athletes fell in love with lifting weights and sought to continually get better and load more weight on the bar. It was the perfect opportunity to take the momentum that Full Armour had and expand into the sport of Powerlifting. Fast forward three months and four athletes were nervously awaiting their first Powerlifting competition.
When the bar was loaded and Full Armour's newest team ready to lift, they didn't disappoint. All four athletes, Jayden McKay, Drew Coffman, Ezra Coffman and Sara Quinones, set state records and Ezra broke 4 American Records. A feat that has and will not go unnoticed. The team continues to expand seeing 3 new athletes and has two more competitions on the horizon.
This sport is awesome for kids, because not only does it teach athletes how to generate more force and power, but it teaches them to continually strive and break barriers they never thought they could. Continue to look for a lot more success from this team! If you are interested in joining Full Armour Powerlifting, please reach out to Jason Lupo at jlupo@fullarmoursportsteams.com or call 719-502-0610!